Research & Editing
My academic background combines psychology, sociology, international relations and policy analysis. My projects often strive to explore the intersectional factors involved in any topic. My work is influenced by constructivist theory and will often strive to incorporate framing and discourse analysis. In addition to my own research I also provide German and French to English text interpretation and article drafting for politicians and journalists.
Current Projects
"Digital Skill Shift” Project Evaluation Team
YNternet, 2019-2021
IPA Region Results Oriented Monitoring team: EC Funding and Tendering Portal Quality Manager
Integration Consulting
Areas of Interest
community development
human rights laW
European Migration Policy
capacity building
2016 - 2017 Master of Arts
International Relations; Specialization in International Migration.
University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies
Thesis: Refugees in discourse: the fallacy of permanence
2007 - 2012 Bachelor of ARts with Honours
Psychology; Subsidiary Major in MusicSt. Francis Xavier University
Thesis: Pedestrian cellphone use and the distractions it causes
Selected Bibliography
“Digital Skill Shift Early Interim Report”
Ynternet, All Digital, & J.P. Morgan Chase, April 2020